This new and improved version features not only updated visuals and compatibility with touchscreen Windows devices (such as laptops and tablets) but also offers a selection of distinctive gameplay modes. However, with Windows 8 this popular puzzle app was developed from the ground up as a standalone application that can be downloaded from Microsoft Store. If you would like to cancel your subscription or delete your account, please visit our Minesweeper Classic Cancel & Delete page for further instructions.Microsoft Minesweeper is a famous puzzle video game originally created by Curt Johnson IBM's OS/2, that found worldwide popularity when it was ported to Windows OS where it was offered as a pre-installed app for several versions of this operating system. Need help? Join our Minesweeper Classic forum to ask questions, get help, and discuss the app with other users from around the world. If you love the game and care to provide feedback, please join our Facebook group and share your thoughts on future improvements: Portrait and Landscape mode for iPhone and iPad Flag Mode: Turn on flag mode to mark tiles you think are bombs quickly Best, smoothest, fastest interface of any iPhone Mine Sweeper game Adjustable difficulty: Beginner, Medium, Difficult, and Custom options to ensure you are always challenged Stats tracking to keep track of your games for each difficulty High scores leaderboard for each difficulty setting But be careful, as underneath some tiles are bombs waiting to be detonated! Beneath each tile is a number (indicates how many mines are touching the tile), a blank space, or a mine waiting to be exploded! Use strategy and logic to navigate the mine map and win the game! Start with a covered mine field of square tiles and clear the field by tapping one square at a time. If you like old classic games such as Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Solitaire, Freecell as well as classic puzzle games like Sudoku, Tetris, and Crossword Puzzles then this game is for you!

Monitor your progress with the brand new stats tracker to keep tabs on your progress and try to beat your best times! This retro minesweeper game is just like the original and provides great fun. The game is simple, try to avoid the bombs to clear the minefield to win the game! Strategy and logic are needed to navigate the multiple levels of difficulty.

Minesweeper is a classic, throwback PC game that provides hours of fun - plus this version has no Ads or Advertisements & is great for iPad!