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The "Recipe" as a separate entity from "Batch" construct is poorly implemented. Sure, you can use an API and design your own but I want a printout out of the box that looks good.ģ.

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Recipe printout is ugly and not customizable. I would agree with that if it had a robust tag filtering system so I can hide recipes I'm not looking for.Ģ. The very hip youngers will argue that the TAG system is really all you need. While BrewFather has a lot of good features there are four things it doesn't do better than BS3.ġ. I'm at a crossroads between the two right now. Just as I was fully understanding BS3, everyone started jumping on Brewfather so I gave that a go for a full year. I used Beer Tools Pro back in the day and the GUI was really good but it just wasn't being as actively supported as it should have been and the general populous was favoring Beersmith, especially when version 2 came out. For me BrewFather was easier to use and it had a few features that BS did not that were important to me. I am glad the OP was able to load up his old files. But I suspect that my error and doing something wrong with the set up with ISpindle. While BF sees my iSpindel, it cant get it to get reading after the first day. Secondly, BF also integrates with Tilt and iSpindel for those users for users of those devices which can be very useful for advanced fermentation and dry hopping techniques. In BeerSmith I would have to save that in the notes so I could plug it back into the calcauator. Two more points, BF is much better and moving your calculations right into the batch file seamlessly and saving the original brix number (if you use a refractometer) for the FG calculation. But since Brewfather is free for a limited number of brews, I gave it a test drive so I could compare it to what I was using. I was reading a thread that was discussion various software, I already had my BeerSmith subscription and paid for the mobile app (another annoyance as cloud based software mobile is included). This was an annoyance for me with BeerSmith that I hadn't realized how much of an annoyance until I played with BrewFather. This way you can make changes to a single batch while still keeping your original recipe. I forgot tp mention, in addition to the entire platform for brewfather being cloud-base, they do separate your recipes from batches.

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